Too Much Screen Time Affects Your Eyes

How much screen time do you spend on your computer, TV, or other devices? Have you ever wondered if it’s affecting your eyesight? If you want to keep seeing as well as possible for years to come, consider limiting the amount of time you spend on your devices, especially in the evening and before bedtime when your eyes are already working harder to adjust to darkness. This is even more important if you’re not drinking …

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How smartphones are ruining your eyes

How smartphones are ruining your eyes – A recent study has shown that over 90% of smartphone users experience dry eyes, headaches, and general vision fatigue. If you spend the majority of your day staring at the tiny computer screen in your pocket, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. But if you don’t have an old-fashioned paper calendar or watch, you may not know about the problems associated with these devices. Here’s why …

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How and why amla for eyes is best

How does amla benefit your eyes? A lot, actually! gooseberry, also known as Indian gooseberry, is full of antioxidants and vitamins that work together to give you healthy eyes. gooseberry contains vitamin C, which helps improve night vision by boosting the production of rhodopsin in your eyes. This makes it easier to see at night or in dark places where there isn’t much light. gooseberry also contains vitamin A, which aids in protecting your cornea …

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Tips for Resting and Recharging Your Eyes

When was the last time you rested your eyes? Even if you don’t have chronic eye problems, it’s still important to rest them from time to time. Excessive exposure to bright light and blue light from electronics can contribute to eyestrain, discomfort, and ultimately vision problems in the future if left unchecked. It’s easy to take care of your eyes by following these simple tips for resting and recharging your eyes every day! Relax your …

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