How smartphones are ruining your eyes

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How smartphones are ruining your eyes – A recent study has shown that over 90% of smartphone users experience dry eyes, headaches, and general vision fatigue. If you spend the majority of your day staring at the tiny computer screen in your pocket, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. But if you don’t have an old-fashioned paper calendar or watch, you may not know about the problems associated with these devices. Here’s why smartphones are ruining your eyes, along with some easy tips on how to prevent them from doing so in the future…

Dry Eyes and Insomnia

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light that mimics daylight. This can trick our bodies into thinking it’s daytime when we should be winding down for bed—and that means trouble for our sleep patterns. A 2013 study from researchers at Harvard University found a direct link between exposure to nighttime blue light and insomnia, which has been linked to inflammation of eye tissue called dry eye disease. The same research team also concluded that using electronic devices before bedtime could lead to Insomnia, or an inability to fall asleep at night. If you have dry eyes or insomnia, try switching off all electronics an hour before bedtime (or earlier) and focusing on relaxing activities like reading until you feel tired enough to fall asleep.

Blue Light from Smartphones

Blue light is especially damaging to our eyes because it penetrates into our retina and disrupts sleep hormone production. Excessive blue light exposure can also lead to insomnia—or a constant inability to fall asleep, even when we’re physically tired. Over-using electronic gadgets will gradually dry out our eyes, which makes vision difficult and increases our risk of developing age-related eye diseases.

Solution to the Problem

Being plugged in has its perks, but it also comes with a host of side effects. Besides backaches and stiff necks, people who use their cell phones too much may experience eye problems. According to doctors at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, using mobile devices for more than two hours a day could contribute to insomnia (also known as smart phone addiction). Though studies haven’t conclusively established links between smart phones and increased instances of ADHD, cell phone usage can also lead to dry eye syndrome. People who spend long periods staring at their screens are less likely to blink often—and more blinking is necessary for hydrating one’s eyes.

Tips for Smartphone Users

The researchers found that, if you stare at a screen for too long—particularly before bedtime—it can interfere with your circadian rhythm, cause eye strain and make it harder to fall asleep. This phenomenon is known as insomnia or blue light insomnia; studies show it may be to blame for sleep disturbances in people who use electronic devices in the evening.

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