From Brain Science to Full Vision

Eyex Vision Therapy is an advanced neuro-optical training program that enhances visual perception through cognitive reinforcement.

Clinically demonstrated to strengthen eye-brain connectivity and improve visual processing capabilities.

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The average improvement
experienced is advancing over 2
lines smaller on the vision test
chart and a 100% increase
in contrast sensitivity.

Eyex Vision Therapy - Research Insights

Research Insights

Improving vision in adult amblyopia by perceptual learning

The training procedure resulted in a 2-fold improvement in contrast sensitivity and in letter-recognition tasks. These findings demonstrate that perceptual learning can improve basic representations within an adult visual system that did not develop during the critical period.

Regarding Treatment for Low Myopia following LASIK Regression

JCRS: NeuroVision Treatment for Low Myopia following LASIK Regression.

Neural Vision Perceptual Learning as an Effective Treatment of Amblyopia

Vision Development & Rehabilitation (COVD) Volume 8, Issue 4, Page 260: Neural Vision Perceptual Learning as an Effective Treatment of Amblyopia.

Perceptual learning improves visual functions in patients

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience: Perceptual learning improves visual functions in patients with Albinistic Bilateral Amblopya.

Binocular Amblyopia Treatment with Contrast-Rebalanced Movies

In this cohort, passive viewing of contrast-rebalanced dichoptic movies effectively improved visual acuity in amblyopic subjects. The degree of improvement observed was similar to that previously reported for 2 weeks of binocular games treatment and with 3-4 months of occlusion therapy.

Therapy for Amblyopia: A Newer Perspective

Amblyopia is a reduction of best-corrected visual acuity that cannot be contributed to the structural abnormality of the eye. The prevalence of amblyopia is between 2% and 5%. Amblyopia is associated most commonly with early childhood strabismus and anisometropia and less commonly with ametropia and vision deprivation such as congenital cataract.

Active Vision Therapy for Anisometropic Amblyopia in Children: A Systematic Review

The aim of the study was evaluation of the scientific evidence about the efficacy of vision therapy in children and teenagers with anisometropic amblyopia by performing a systematic literature review.

Eyex Vision Therapy - FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Eyex Vision Therapy and other available amblyopia software programs?
Eyex Vision Therapy is indicated to improve vision in amblyopic children over 4 and adults as a standalone therapy when occlusion is no longer effective! Other Dichoptic products are used to treat children, when patching therapy may still be effective Additional amblyopia software programs are used to treat convergence insufficiency.
Is Eyex using Dichoptic Therapy (Binocular training)?
Eyex uses both, A proprietary perceptual learning technology and dichoptic Therapy scientifically and clinically proven with randomized controlled double-blind studie, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
What is Eyex Vision Therapy success rate?
89% of patients improve by 2 – 4.5 VA lines (in ETDRS/ LogMar) and 100% in contrast sensitivity (using FACT sine wave test), approximately 9% do not respond.
Is the improvement stable?
Yes, follow-up of 1-2 years in clinical studies shows the improvement gained with Eyex remains. In fact, amblyopic patients demonstrate additional spontaneous improvement in CS and Stereo after 1 year of completing the program. Just like learning to walk, riding a bicycle, and learning to swim have a long-lasting effect, so does Eyex.
How does Eyex Vision Therapy work?
Eyex Vision Therapy uses perceptual learning and vision training software to strengthen eye-brain connectivity, improving visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and binocular functions.
Who can benefit from Eyex Vision Therapy?
Eyex Vision Therapy is beneficial for individuals with Amblyopia, Strabismus, Eye Strain & Double Vision, Computer Vision Syndrome, Low Myopia and other vision-related issues. It is suitable for both children and adults.
Is Eyex Vision Therapy scientifically proven?
Yes, Eyex Vision Therapy is scientifically and clinically proven to improve visual processing and has been validated through multiple studies and research.
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